Friday, November 25, 2011

那些年,我们一起追得女孩。 You Are the Apple of My Eye

Yeah!!! Finally on 23-Nov-11 I watched " You Are the Apple of My Eye

在还没看这部戏之前真的很惊险,差一点就拿不到票了,亏我还那么早上网定。大糊涂的我赶着出门,而忘了拿正在充电的电话,偏偏我的Booking Number 就存在电话里,脑袋空空想不起,拿起零钱打公共电话回家问,但是我爸又不会用我的电话,真是头大,害得我零钱都用完了,也问不出一点点的头绪。在想等我朋友到了借他的电话上网查,但是却久久未到~时间紧闭,只好硬着头皮和脸皮跑去Green Box 向他们借电脑,纸和笔。最后终于拿到号码了! (好丢脸)
当跑去拿票时,他们的system上没有的按Print!! 我就真的holy shit lo~ Already paid!!!! 幸好他问隔壁的senior~ Senior 又很忙好像没空理人,心里是紧张到!原来他是进房拿已经印出来的票~我想要是再给他迟下去的话,应该已经转让卖出去了吧?真的是好惊险~ TT


小时候的我没什么喜欢“Peter Pan" 因为我真的没什么看的懂,直到后来,我才知道它的意思的存在~不想长大。

这部戏的结局虽然不是很理想~女主角的丈夫都可以做她爸了~夸张~但是真的还蛮感动和惋惜的~当一播出胡夏的《那些年》 wa~~ 我的眼泪真的差一点点要出来了~最近的我还蛮感触的嘛~ haha

真的好怀念(那些年,那些事,那些人) ^^

Sunday, November 20, 2011

ElCerdo- A Spanish Restaurant

Today our big big boss treat us a very delicious dinner at El Cerdo in KL, the bars street~
actually I knew is a pork dinner, but really didn't expect will be in this high cost restaurant~ wow! Excited

One more think I felt so sham and sorry~ we suppose to gather I'm Ampang at 6pm, but I have to fetch my friend and he jam++ so I late about half an hour! Felt so sorry and "pai seh" a bunch of people only wait for us~ sigh sorry ya!!!!! ><

We order quite a lots of foods ~ some I think is double order~ and who order which I already forgot, just the foods came we just eat la, no care~ we put on the middle we everyone can taste the different taste. So of the dish have their owe special sauces~ it taste nice and new for me~ totally satisfied with this dinner~ haha sure~ cuz the prices ain't cheap!
Overall I rate 8/10! cuz can't give full score ! Still need to improve~ If have chance will try again next time~ haha
Although yesterday is full and almost want vomit~ but think back the taste is--- wow delicious~ haha

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penang Adventure Trip(2D1N)

原本我们的计划是在Yvonne house swim + bake cake~ But suddenly our plan change ! We decided go to Penang for last minutes, everything prepared by last min~ even a place for us to overnight~ luckily still have a last room wt private bathroom left for us! Red Inn Cabana Heritage Guesthouse, is a good and cozy place for stay!

载了Yvoone's sis to studio and bought a chicken rice as our brunch in the car, our journey finally started!!!! About 4 hours and more we finally reached in Penang~ we are drift master! Haha kidding~ but is quite fast already~
1st thing to do is find our Guesthouse but is quite hard! Cuz we pass through few times in the same street we still can't find it, 原来这家还很新,还没有放招牌,而且还是躲在 behind the chocolate boutique~ After checked in we rest awhile. 6.30pm we start to find our yummy dinner, thanks my cousin and his friend to bring us around, if not we really might just stay inside the hotel and sleep ~

After dinner we went to a new place, I forgot the name already is so beautiful and nice~ inside got a snoopy cafe~ so cute~ lastly we went to E&O Hotel, this hotel is quite old, it start on 1885, so history~ my cousin bring us to his working place, Farquhar's Bar! I order a mocktail, love it so much! I can't drink cocktail, cuz got alcohol ingredient inside, will burn my sound to be more worst. The feel inside is just so relax! ^^

2nd day our journey start at 12pm, lucky Yvonne hero checked the car, water and 'black oil' if not on the way back to KL, the car might die! Than is really holy shit! Haha and our road tag also quite dangerous~ almost die! Luckily is die on 9 Nov~ haha

1st we went to eat 小红帽炒果条,对我来说只是还好啦,但是真的很贵,决不有下次,好像是在 ??Selamat
2nd went o Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum! Wow love it so much~ I always wanted to visit, lastly my dream come true! Hehe RM10 entrance fee + can take pic~ quite worth it!

3rd we went to Batu Feringgi, when we reached outside still raining, so we decided when to The Ship have some small snack!

4th went back to Georgetown to find 蚵煎,找了将近10个档口,在差不多觉的没有希望的时候,终于找到了,但是只是还好而已~哈哈,但是没关系,吃到最重要!^^
