Sunday, January 31, 2010



虽然我的压力算不上是什么, 但是有时还是会压得喘不过气,好想逃避

外表下给人的感觉是还蛮好的, 也还蛮让人羡慕的

人和火山差不多一样的, 到了一定的程度也是会爆发的

很多事也不是一句对不起就可以了, 要懂得踏出第一步去改变
没有人是完美的,多余的要求只为满足虚荣心,只要踏踏实实的做, 不去做错事,犯法的事,违背良心的事就好啦~

很多事情一定有很多办法解决的,就算没了一道门,也会有一扇窗留给我们, 以便不绝望

珍惜眼前的, 好好的过活才是最重要

Friday, January 29, 2010

Finally Finished my sem 2 lor...

Today this sub ~ okok lar....cuz is Business Computing mah....
I'm so Happy at last I know how to solve it~!!! cuz last time teacher got taught .... I still remember...just wrong abit only.....but lastly I solve it and find it out how to do ~ YES!!!!! hehe....happy

after exam we went to old place to have our dinner.....
it suppose to go someway to relax....but the result is we all going back home to do our stuff.....
because lack people and not that mood.....very less people already...less fun..... parents' church friends came our house.....actually I want to escape....but no way to go
so me and my brother at living room there listening what they talk....
they talk about my father......and so on.......
突然间我就跑上楼了, 因为肚子痛.....haha

I can enjoy for my dramas, movies lor.....and spend some time with my lovely friends - perhaps~
but abit 烦恼~......压力.........彷徨........


我爸今天留院, 其实是去check his heart....but so lucky my father heart is no need to 吹 “球子”

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I already Finished 3 subject lor~~~~~ Happy Happy Free lor.....
actually plan to watch Tiger WooHoo with my friends de.....but due to some reason , so I gave my seat to Gee's friend lor....
and I still want to beg my friend who working at Green Box help my to buy the tickets lor....but all sold out already....if want to watch only left in front that 2 lines of seats I give up....
8.30pm Me and my friend picked me up to Honglok Pasar Malam de.....but lastly change to 喝糖水 in Makota....Because he not feeling well...but we still have a good time to chi-chat at there....

After that I continuing my Drama...."老友狗狗"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Johor- Batu Pahat

Friday. After class I went back home to preparing and waiting my cousin....
She came my house to exchange car Vios to Inova
because we got 6 ppl go to Batu Pahat....Inova will be more comfortable for us....
We departed about 4pm and reached and met my 大姑妈 about 7/8pm
after had our dinner at there "新香槟"
由于我的亲戚都习惯用广东话沟通,所以在那也蛮多笑料的~ haha


Woke up at 8 and " chin chai" prepared outfit....very normal.....
About 9am the bridegroom came to 迎接 the bride lor......sure the bridesmaid will 玩弄 groomsmen lar...
but I didn't join in.......
finished all the details....the bride and bridegrooms head to bridegroom's house to continues
we went to have our breakfast.....but the quality just normal normal lor......
and there restaurants look like quite weird ?
not like KL's restaurants~
离check in to the hotel still got many time , so we decided went to BP mall to hang around....
because we heard that was the newest mall in town
but~~~ not more shops open.....and quite boring........
but still got harvest....
I bought a shirt and my 姑妈 bought me a dress too (actually I bought a shirt is for my dinner outfit, but lastly I wore my 姑妈 bought me that...) and I bought a present to my Babe- Ying

after check in to the hotel , my relatives (girls) want to set up there hairs for the Wedding Dinner...
Just the opposite mall The Summit , but we still choose to drive to there....cuz scare after set up the hair when walk back to the hotel will ruin it
Inside The Summit mall got many saloon , so we choose the 最没人的那间
因为可以比较快吗,但是4个客人,2个做工人,忙得来还想快没时间了, 所以最后一个得我就选择不洗头只 set 头咯~

语言差别:那边的人的叫‘干劳‘/ 面 为- mian po? (还蛮奇怪+可爱叻)

Night we had our Wedding Dinner at a ?? Restaurant and Coffee House.....
在看着bride & bridegroom 的照片是, 突然好羡慕他们哦~因为他们去过好多的国家旅行和玩哦~羡慕死了~
the foods is quite ok de.....and the last dessert is quite 新鲜的,对我们来说,因为是Ice Cream ~ 新的尝试
当天还蛮多人结婚的叻!因为在回酒店的时候有点塞~ 因为我们的酒店和喝酒的地方还算蛮靠近阿~

After had our breakfast in the hotel we departed at 11am back to KL
stay longer at there also no use...cuz so boring lar....haha
When we on the way back home , my 大姑妈突然问要不要去马六甲哦~
到马六甲只是很简单得走走而已,开车经过红屋后, 就走走那文化街咯~
当杰还带我们去买拖鞋了, 满特别+好穿的拖鞋~~~不错不错~ 这也好像好谢谢我的姑妈了~ 哈哈突然觉得做小的也很不错下哦~~haha
突然好想可以很朋友来马六甲玩玩也不错叻~一日游/ 两天一夜也不错下的~haha
大概5pm 我们就回咯, 而大姑妈一家的就想多待一下把~

虽然只是去Batu Pahat 喝喜酒,但是就好像和亲戚们出去玩,感觉真好~ 可惜我们没更去咯~

原本计划好回来后晚上去庆祝Ying的生日的, 但是大家都给他惊喜和在昨天帮他庆祝了~所以我就乖乖的呆在家温习明天的考试咯

PS:虽然在考试前几天都出去了,但是我没忘了温习哦, 在Batu Pahat 那几天晚上都有好好的温习一下呢, 连在车的时候都有温习一下下哦~哈哈

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Spy Next Door

After my class we went to eat MCD with my friends
due to I really empty in my wallet but Thx so much all of you " kumpul" RM1 for me to eat you all~ hehe

After back home I was blank in my mind and suddenly want to watch a movie alone again~
and return the SmallVille season 1 to my friend , I borrowed it almost 1 year lor....
and actually I haven't finished to watch it..... because not interested .....
Finally Return back to his friend......haha

Actually I decided to watch " Did You Hear About The Morgans?" at 5.20pm
actually The Spy Next Door is ok , but I scare it still new and the price will be RM10 don't have student price
while I told the conductress : Did You hear about the Morgans 5.20 .
but she showed me that only have 11.20am , than I was so blur too.... did the computer make a mistake?
so I changed to watch The Spy Next Door.....luckily got student price!!!!
After I bought the ticket I look at the timetable.....
there no any mistake.....was her mistake......showed me the Tomorrow showing time......
I didn't say any "TOMORROW" word!!!!!
lame conductress......
Am I choosing a wrong day to watch a movie???
in front me got a Family with KIDS
wow!!!!! DAMN noisy.......the kids are very noisy and loudly too......after finished cry than move move talk talk..... like don't have any 1 minutes is quiet ~

Any My Brother SMS me and Calling me , because he want to use the 6.30pm
But I can't make I ignore house still got a Kancil or Inova....he can use either 1
or else just wait.....

Overall it is a nice movie......
not going to explain more......
A Comedy , Family , action movie......

The most important for me.....haha
LUCAS TILL !!!!!!!
So Handsome......!!!!! >< style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 466px; height: 320px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5427006094689689778" border="0">

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today I heard my mom said again....this is a second times she told my dad already....
when I heard it I also very helpless le.....

The thing is my mom said got a customer ( not only one lar) complained that the teas are not so nice , not like before
That I also know lar.....because change ppl do already ma....the quality sure got abit different 1
but that customer is quite close with us , I think he also might know what happen about my dad ba~
If you don't like the teas that we made than please don't order about that , you have so many options
you can order other or to another restaurant lar..... ( I also very appreciate that you support our teas lar)
but now the situation is my dad can't serve you now....he is not feeling well.....

We can not allow a person to sacrifice their health to satisfy your taste lor....
imagine if this happen on you , would you allow him to work?

We also can't close our restaurant because of him can't work and can't serve
we still need to survive ~
Can you please think more wisely?

If you don't know about it we won't blame or say anythings lar....
but if you knew about it and still say about those 风凉话,
like last time my mom said and I heard a 常客 asked my mom : this year not go anywhere to travel ar???
wow! I heard it I also on fire.......

although we already used to heard about the customer complaint, but we can't say anythings ar....
because " Customer Always Right"

another thing I dislike is some customer saw us ( me and my sister) will ask what course we studying now
so we will answer tourism and hotel , but some will give a respond like ????????
did we choose to study about Tourism and Hotel are so weird?
or not choose something about like Business , acc, marketing law, IT, doctor etc is not human already?
When you want to travel you don't want find a travel agency or live in hotels lar.....
everytime I only can smile back as my answer....aiks~

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Whole day outing with Fong Ying

Today I suppose to help my mom , but I have to fetch my dad to Prince Court to 洗肾
so my dad gave me advice go to Time Square that area to walk walk lor..... no need to accompany him
So I found Fong Ying to accompany me....haha luckily she willing to accompany me....
sure a driver wo~ haha....hehe
My dad appointment at 12pm , so We out at about 11.10am
after dropped my father at the main door of the hospital we head to Time Square lor....
so lucky and I'm so 乖, 没冲红灯 oh~.....
cuz in front me those 3 car 给警察叫到旁边去了
after parked my car in Time Square we walk around TS and SW lor....didn't go Pavilion
look like there not much clothes are fit us already.....
we starting to find some very casual, easy, comfortable but nice.......haha...being mature? hehe

~ An advice for me! NOT go to those RM25 shop to buy cloths and those shops are not allow to try 1 !!!!!!!! HATE

when we having our lunch in SW MCD I bumped into SAN SAN in FOS le.....
after she got accompany us awhile in MCD lar....cuz she needed to wait her friends.....
in SW didn't have anythings nice to me....hate
after back to Time Square again both of us got purchased 1 thing for ourselves ....hehe

about 4pm we went to pick up my dad lor.....
I think I'm quite smart le..... quite familiar about the roads in KL.....haha
actually some is from my 印象 & some from Google Map before going out & some my dad taught me before

after back home we exchange situation already...haha
is me accompany Fong Ying to Jusco to take her salary and she accompany again for our dinner lar.....

It's a meaningful day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock good I watched it
is a nice story.....funny too....brilliant and good partner and best friend
I like Jude Law as Dr. John Watson . Before I already like him in The Holiday movie too
Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes , his eyes so cute lar...haha I know quite weird to use 'cute' word for him, but only for his eyes....haha

Although it is a nice movie to watch, but am I regret for losing a chance.....
hope the next chance can come so rare that will find me out~ Happy~

Today I fetched my dad to Hospital....finally he still need to Dialysis.
I have no comment at all....Although I cried after I heard it on the phone
but all I have to do is giving support and being myself and to be a good daughter.

Not only the healthy problem , money problem also came together.....
Money flow out so fast, and earning so slow~
hard time, but still have to be strong~

Congrats to my cousin and his family, he become a father lor.....
Happy Happy is a Baby Girl~

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yesterday like a paradise Today like a hell?
Yesterday was so happy although very tiring and pain but enjoyable
Today have to work.....
work is ok for me and washing TOILET is ok for me too....

What so nasty?
When I wanted to wash the toilet some ugly and smelly thing that made my human didn't clean up
are you blind or no hands at all....
beside there got a pail , why can't you just wash away by water???
eww~ OMG..... don't even want to remind back anymore....
I curse him/her ! eww~ bad dream @@

forget about it.....

Friday, January 1, 2010

1ST DAY OF 2010

I woke up at 7am to get ready to Sunway Pyramid with my Friends
actually we were planing go to Melaka...but something stuck on there....
so we change our plan to Sunway Pyramid for Ice Skating
We have about 16 ppl by 3 cars
Before we go , we went for our breakfast in Makota Vegetarian shop....
We didn't expected today was free le.....我们赚到了,但也感到不好意思的~

About 10.++am we already reached the Ice Skating Field was not much ppl yet, cuz still early
We were playing at there about 4 hours
I long time didn't play already....almost forget, but the skill abit abit still got there lar....
although I know abit abit , but I fell 2 times at the same place...gosh~
damn pain~
due to I so pain so I rest at outside there almost 1 hour le....and there started getting more and more ppl
I so hate that....every time that wanna go back I started know how to skate.....
actually is know already....but still scare and scare will fall down....
and I will less to skate with other ppl with holding hand, because I have some psychological barriers in the trust
for me holding hand and skating with him/her must trust him/her , isn't it?
But Now I slowly to overcome of this problem....
I hope next time I can skate more better and more faster lor~ haha

Finished our skate at 3pm or 4 pm
we went to find some eat , finally decided went to Kim Gary....
is Holiday every way also have many ppl.....
Finished our meal....we went back home lor....
due to everyone also very tired and some want to rushing there assignment
so the dinner was cancel.....

At Last it was an enjoyable day and I was so so so so so happy
seeking for another chance for gathering and another chance to play and hanging out like this together....

Happy New Year
a new year , new life, new hope....

Girls Team
didn't capture any boys team oh~