Friday. After class I went back home to preparing and waiting my cousin....
She came my house to exchange car Vios to Inova
because we got 6 ppl go to
Batu Pahat....Inova will be more comfortable for us....
We departed about 4pm and reached and met my 大姑妈 about 7/8pm
after had our dinner at there "新香槟"
由于我的亲戚都习惯用广东话沟通,所以在那也蛮多笑料的~ haha
Woke up at 8 and " chin chai" prepared only.....my outfit....very normal.....
About 9am the bridegroom came to 迎接 the bride lor......sure the bridesmaid will 玩弄 groomsmen lar...
but I didn't join in.......
finished all the details....the bride and bridegrooms head to bridegroom's house to continues
we went to have our breakfast.....but the quality just normal normal lor......
and there restaurants look like quite weird ?
not like KL's restaurants~
离check in to the hotel still got many time , so we decided went to BP mall to hang around....
because we heard that was the newest mall in town
but~~~ not more shops open.....and quite boring........
but still got harvest....
I bought a shirt and my 姑妈 bought me a dress too
(actually I bought a shirt is for my dinner outfit, but lastly I wore my 姑妈 bought me that...) and I bought a present to my Babe-
Yingafter check in to the hotel , my relatives
(girls) want to set up there hairs for the Wedding Dinner...
Just the opposite mall The Summit , but we still choose to drive to there....cuz scare after set up the hair when walk back to the hotel will ruin it
Inside The Summit mall got many saloon , so we choose the 最没人的那间
因为可以比较快吗,但是4个客人,2个做工人,忙得来还想快没时间了, 所以最后一个得我就选择不洗头只 set 头咯~
语言差别:那边的人的叫‘干劳‘/ 面 为- mian po? (还蛮奇怪+可爱叻)
Night we had our Wedding Dinner at a ?? Restaurant and Coffee House.....
在看着bride & bridegroom 的照片是, 突然好羡慕他们哦~因为他们去过好多的国家旅行和玩哦~羡慕死了~
the foods is quite ok de.....and the last dessert is quite 新鲜的,对我们来说,因为是Ice Cream ~ 新的尝试
当天还蛮多人结婚的叻!因为在回酒店的时候有点塞~ 因为我们的酒店和喝酒的地方还算蛮靠近阿~
After had our breakfast in the hotel we departed at 11am back to KL
stay longer at there also no use...cuz so boring lar....haha
When we on the way back home , my 大姑妈突然问要不要去
到马六甲只是很简单得走走而已,开车经过红屋后, 就走走那文化街咯~
当杰还带我们去买拖鞋了, 满特别+好穿的拖鞋~~~不错不错~ 这也好像好谢谢我的姑妈了~ 哈哈突然觉得做小的也很不错下哦~~haha
突然好想可以很朋友来马六甲玩玩也不错叻~一日游/ 两天一夜也不错下的~haha
大概5pm 我们就回咯, 而大姑妈一家的就想多待一下把~
虽然只是去Batu Pahat 喝喜酒,但是就好像和亲戚们出去玩,感觉真好~ 可惜我们没更去咯~
原本计划好回来后晚上去庆祝Ying的生日的, 但是大家都给他惊喜和在昨天帮他庆祝了~所以我就乖乖的呆在家温习明天的考试咯
PS:虽然在考试前几天都出去了,但是我没忘了温习哦, 在Batu Pahat 那几天晚上都有好好的温习一下呢, 连在车的时候都有温习一下下哦~哈哈