[Presents pic will update soon~]
Today was 24th of July.....I held a BBQ party at my house for celebrating my belated Birthday~ why should I choose 24 instead of 23? Because I want to convince for all of my friends that SAT got classes and working~ how sweet am I~~~ haha (shy) first of all I want to thx my family to help me out.......they more nervous than me...about 3pm something already prepared all the stuff to put in our front yard~ and also prepared quite lots of foods ........about the chicken wings.......quite funny~ we got the chicken wings for grill and the accidentally fried chicken wings (long story) the most early persons to reach my house was my college mates....Thx for you all help out....
8pm somethings we started ~~~~ grill grill grill~ eat eat eat~ chat chat chat~ ........haha I didn't eat much.....especially hams, hot dogs, friend chicken wings (not at all) , chicken wings ...etc....I really didn't eat much lor...... less less to grill.... I'm also blur what I'm busy for??? but I felt quite full le~
after my parents back from the Church.....is time for the cake......my mind was blank..... The Birthday Cake part was the most embarrass time for me......I'm not used to be a focus attentions for everyone that looked at me and sang the birthday songs to me ......But I already accepted all the wishes.....thx so much buddy~ ^^
we also discussing to sing k in Sunday....sure I joined them....haha~ long time didn't sing together~ they also planing to The Sepang Gold Coast may in September....I wonder I could join or not?? because I'm still confusing for my future.......it's bother me all the time , I just can't get rid of it.....sigh~
The very finally I'm still have to choose
I forgot what the time they all went back....but I'm want to thank you to help me clean up the mess especially Min Min , Kok Hua, my sister Help me do washing-up .......and Jun Jie, he help me to finish up all the foods....thx so much~
and the presents I very like it...THX~
about 4am something i only went to my bed....Tired~
Next Time NO any BBQ at my house at all.....haha.... but this time was a first try for myself....impressive
Again....Happy Belated Birthday to myself
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