I suppose to wake up at 7.45am and start my car at 8.30am
but I woke up at 8.35am ! OMG
I jumped out of my bed and went to brushed my teeth and made a quick bath!
9.00amafter I started my car I went to add on the fuel~
I though I will late !
hopefully that short cut not like last time that jam~
so I reached my college about 9.40am~
after I walked in to my classroom they all told me that our lecturer back to her hometown already
because is Deepavali mah~
but she got gave us some questions lar.... we only have to finish up the question than can go back jor~
we finished our class about 10.++am and went to the " old place " to have our lunch~
after that we prepared and waited for the IATA mates and went to Time Square lor~
reached Time Square we gathered at Cinema there and Ying & Yan also came !
ya~ we worked together~
everything done we went to Low Yat to start our "Fans" job~
It's Kaspersky~ a Anti-Virus software~
Eugene Kaspersky came to Malaysia~
we only have to shouting and make the surrounding feeling HOT!
it suppose to work 3 hours 1-4pm
but luckily we finished up early ~ about 3.15pm we went back to Time Square to have our meal and waiting for the salary~
It really a nice job !
if got this type of job next time I will join !
and it was a new experience to me !
it really easy~
THX my sis Lee Ling!~ haha
after I finished my meal I joined Ying & Yan them went to find my shoes!
finally I decided want to buy what shoes already~
but is too hard to find that shoes!
I 看中 a pair of shoes ! But too bad ! no my size liao~
But finally I found it!
it is a 帆布鞋 !
just like my previous that purple colour ! And it only change to Black lar~
after that I meet back my college mates at 叮叮场
look this this place is the 1st choice for them~
about 6/7pm Me , Jing Yee , Yvonne , Lee Ling and Louis went back to Ampang to take my car and go home lor......
(finally can go back home)
because we quite hesitated that we can go back mah?
is that need to fetch them back???

I found this picture.....OMG it post at facebook !
and it very clearly to see my face lor.... OS
Ying & Yan so clever to hide your face ar~~
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